What would the earth look like with the advent of extraterrestrial life? I think before I sum it up with two words (which I can), I need to back up and explain a few things first. (Forgive the lengthiness of this blog, but it’s necessary.)
The most important thing that needs to be discussed before they arrive (and they will arrive) is who they are, and how does all it fit into the plan of God, creation, the Bible, and mankind itself. This will take a moment to unpack, so if you don’t mind, I will give you what I believe are the correct answers to all these questions, and more.
To begin, let’s look at the idea of extraterrestrials and UFO’s from the standpoint of God and the Bible. To do that we have to delve deeply into the concept of creation and order, Lucifer, the fall of man, and truth itself. All of this begs the question, are there other life forms besides us in this seemingly gigantic universe? Most would say, of course there are… how could there not be? Certainly we can’t think that we’re the only ones out there… right? How ridiculous! Or is it ridiculous?
To answer this, let’s look first into the nature and character of God Himself. There is a powerful verse in Scripture that illustrates where I’m going with this. Numbers 23:19a says, “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.” The key to this verse is that God does not lie! He does not deceive in any way, but instead is upfront and brutally honest about ALL things. So what does that mean in relation to the idea of aliens? Simply this… if God had created other life forms, He would have told us. If there were, and He had kept it a secret, and they showed up telling us that they were our creators, leading us astray from Him, then we would be deceived and a great falling away from God and His Word would take place. To allow such a thing would be deceptive and cruel on the part of God, but as the verse above states God is neither liar, nor deceiver! To top it all off, think about this… if there were other life forms in the universe, then the sacrifice of His Son would not only apply to us, but to them as well! Somehow, they would have to go through the exact same process we do in order to be redeemed. The Bible says Y’shua/Jesus died ONCE for ALL! His sacrifice was for the entirety of creation. Understanding this and knowing that He did not tell us about other life forms effectively proves that there are no such things as extraterrestrials. But… there is something out there!
Then who are they? Well if humans are created, according to God, in His likeness and image, and some other form of non-humans exist, which the planet is about to discover, then surely they have to come from somewhere. Of course God would have created them… right? The answer is simply, yes. But they are not extraterrestrials from some solar system. They’re not from some secretly orbiting planet that is only seen every 3,600 years. And most importantly, they are not who they have disguised themselves to be. For almost 60 years man has been combing space with massive antennas and space probs... though there have been many supposed sightings, no solid confirmation of them have been established! And the reason for this? Because the are multi-dimensional beings that enter in and out of time at will. When they enter, they are here, when they depart, the door of time closes and they are gone.
What the world is about to experience are those beings who were once a vibrant part of the greatest of God's creations, the Angelic world. Sadly, they no longer hold such esteem. They are the "Fallen Ones". They are those whom Jude spoke of as, “angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own abode—these He has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains FOR JUDGEMENT until the great Day.” (Jude 1:6) They are the angels the Bible declares that rebelled against the God of all creation when they came down and had sexual relations with the daughters of Eve (Genesis 6) creating some of the greatest abominations ever known. What they did was so bad that God had to destroy everything that lived upon the earth with a flood! Paul talks about them in Ephesians 6:12 when he says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.” Who is their leader? He was the greatest archangel of them all. He covered the very throne of God with his wings and was in charge of all the worship of Heaven. He was the greatest musical instrument ever created. His name… Lucifer. In his fallen state he is known in Hebrew as haSatan, which means The Adversary or Destroyer!
It has been the Adversary’s intention from the very beginning, after he lead a rebellion against God long before creation as we know it, to destroy what he knew could possibly bring his demise. So he undertook the task of defiling God’s greatest creation, which God Himself fashioned His own likeness, Adam and Eve. Lucifer set out to stop the Royal decree against him. He knew the only way to do it was to deceive Adam and Eve so that God would destroy them, thereby stopping the curse. It was his only hope. But God had another plan, one that would keep the decree and bring redemption as well in spite of the fall. God prepared a sacrifice that would pay for the sin of Adam and Eve’s rebellion keeping His promise to destroy Lucifer and his followers once and for all. That sacrifice was His only Son, Y’shua!
To grasp this, we have to examine and understand the story. It’s long, but I will try and snapshot it for you.
Lucifer knew that God’s plan was a story of deliverers. It was Lucifer’s goal to stop them from entering the earth through the door of the womb. The Bible is replete with this story, as is history itself. He had to stop them from accomplishing their task as each deliverers actions were a stepping-stone to the next and the ultimate end and destruction of Lucifer altogether.
Noah was the first deliverer. The Fallen Ones came down and tainted all of creation during the days of Noah. They genetically reengineered everything, creating an abomination of desolation. (Is it any wonder we’re obsessed now with cloning and genetic engineering?) They created monsters and creatures only science fiction and horror movies attempt to create, including the dinosaurs (Just in case you were wondering). The entirety of the human gene pool, as well as plants, animals, reptiles, fish and birds were tainted; except for Noah and his sons. So God destroyed it all preserving only the untainted Noah and his family. Then came Moses. When the prophesy was made known to Pharaoh, under haSatan’s spiritual influence, he ordered the killing of all the Hebrew male babies 3 years and under by throwing them into the Nile. Then came Y’shua /Jesus. When it was known that He had been born, Herod did the same thing as Pharaoh when he sent soldiers to kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem under the age of 3! Finally, when the end of all things was about to begin, the Fallen Ones under command of the haSatan himself, went on one of the greatest terror rampages in history. It was called the Holocaust. Why, because it was the Jews of Europe and Russia who would bring about the final deliverance and total destruction of darkness with the rebirth of Abraham and the nation of Israel in the earth which happened on May 14, 1948 after 2,500 years. It was that very event that became the final dagger in the heart of the great dragon himself. It meant his ultimate end. And in the only way Lucifer knows how, to this very day, he continues to try to destroy Israel and those who are the household of God, in an attempt to prolong his end.
So… knowing all this, what are they coming here for, and why the “alien” shtick? The answer to the first part is, it’s a vain effort to prevent their destruction from ultimately taking place. (Can’t blame ‘em for trying) They will attempt to accomplish this in several ways. They will seek to bring all mankind under their control through deception in order to destroy it completely. They will promote this deception by doing miraculous signs and wonders that only a “god” could do. They will also proclaim they are the ones who created the human race, and that man’s primitive ideas of religion are merely feeble ways of trying to describe its creators. When they do that, the Bible will go out the window for most with a great renunciation of faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to follow. The story of the cross and the resurrection will become a fairytale. After all, who wouldn’t believe those who come from the sky in great ships moving in seemingly supernatural ways and unprecedented power? Ultimately they will call for the utter destruction of Israel and all the physical seed of Abraham; which plays perfectly into the hands of those who already are under their influence; plotting that very thing as I type.
Secondly, they are disguised as aliens so that they won’t be recognized for who they really are. It’s a game of deception and illusion; and they are masters at it. If you knew who they really were, the jig would be up. They have been peppering man’s mind for the last 60 years preparing it for their arrival. They have also been doing abominable acts (which I won’t go into here) that most have no idea of.
They will come… and with great purpose! They will work with those who are already here in complete agreement and alignment with them. They have tried it several times before but were restrained, but now… Israel exists and the end is at hand. Her mere existence changes the playing field, announcing to them the return of the Son of God who will destroy them once and for all. You can take it to the bank that they know, and that in knowing they will attempt to take as many with them as they can.
So to answer my original question: What would the earth look like with the advent of extraterrestrial life? I will sum it up with two words… Terrifyingly frightening!
If you aren’t sure where you stand with God, then now would be a great time to change it. I will echo ancient words to you: “I am an ambassador of Messiah, as though God Himself were making an appeal through me to you. Therefore I implore you on behalf of Messiah: Be reconciled to God!” Things will be very difficult once they arrive. The level of deception and evil will be unprecedented; unlike any that has ever been before. No one will be able to escape! Only those whose lives have been bought with the blood of the Lamb and who hope in the sacrifice of God alone!
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives unto the death.”
© 2010 Steven Bliss
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