There is a dearth of
spiritual insight in the earth that is staggering. It comes not from man's
sheer ignorance about spiritual things... no, on the contrary he is deeply in
tune with the spiritual world, even if he acts as though he isn't. As the old
saying goes, “There are no atheists in foxholes”. It isn't because God hasn't
placed around him the most amazing of creations, for He has. The earth, the
heavens, heck, the human body alone is the most amazing traveling city and super
computer in existence outside of Heaven itself. In those regards, man is
without excuse. And it isn't because God doesn't want to be known or remain a
mysterious being that only certain "high consciousness" people can
attain to such lofty acuity and awareness. That is nothing more than
foolishness; religious arrogance, pure and simple. And it isn't because
everyday the opportunity to experience the character and nature of God is not
possible... love, kindness, compassion, faithfulness, goodness, patience, etc.,
these are all attributes of the Living God demonstrated somewhere every day by
and to someone or something.
No, the plethora of
spiritual ignorance that exists is due to the simple fact that, like it or not,
we are all born into slavery. Slaves to a system, to a disease, to a government
of sorts that has ruled since the abdication of man to its ruler. A kingdom of
deception, smoke and mirrors. We are born into a kingdom ruled by a dark prince
who though once great, his sole purpose is to deceive, confuse, subjugate and
enforce his dark arts and devious rule over the unsuspecting and unaware. He
HE SAYS HE IS. He takes great pleasure in the destruction of man. Why? Man is
created in the image of God Himself and therefore unique in all of creation; even
more unique than the dark one himself, who used to be highly esteemed. But
greater still, man was created for his ultimate eternal destruction.
Can you know you are
deceived? The answer is tricky… it is both yes and no. When you water down,
ignore or diminish the truth about God, you play right into the system of the
damned. Hell plays for keeps... and the simple truth is, we are all born into
its system and under its rule. It is condemned and it wants you to stay
condemned with it as well. It curses God and diminishes who He is to every
single soul that has ever been born on this planet. When you question whether He
exists and you look around at all that He has placed around us that reveals
Him, you agree with the system you are already enslaved to. When you make
statements like "if heaven really does exist" as if the possibility
of it not is somehow real, you agree with the slave master’s rule you were born
into. When you ask the question, "What kind of God would send someone to
hell" or propose that "a loving God would never allow anyone to
needlessly die and suffer", then you agree with the dark prince and his
wicked agenda who mocks the One and only true and living God.
nor does He think like one. He does not act in accordance with human thought or
reason. But the slave master, like the great illusionists, tricks the mind into
believing something other than what is real, and mankind reflects his level of
his deception every moment of every day as he misses the myriad of
opportunities God gives for him to be set free from his enslavement.
The price God paid for
our deliverance and the way He did it; when He did it, and why He did it the
way He did it go completely contrary to anything that makes sense... or does
it? Answer this question, would you as a parent not give your life so that your
child could live? And wouldn't you as a husband, lay down your life to protect
your wife? Yet the slave master would have you believe otherwise about God. That
He would never come and die for His creation in order to set them free. Why? Simple:
HE DOESN'T WANT YOU FREE! He wants you to share in his death and ultimate
destruction and judgment for eternity.
Perception can be
deception. How you perceive God to be determines the level of your potential
for freedom or your utter enslavement and ultimate destruction. Truth is NOT
illusive or only for the enlightened. It is there for you and reaches out to
break the chains off of your life and deliver you from the kingdom of darkness
into the Kingdom of Light and Truth! Are you willing to know the truth?
Until you understand your
enslavement, that you were born into slavery and remain a slave until the truth
is revealed about who God is and you choose to believe the truth, you will
remain trapped in the system of the dark one. You will go about your life
thinking you are actually free, yet all the while weighed down in chains. The
Bible says, “It is for freedom that Messiah set us free”! FREEDOM! Freedom from
what? The slavery that most never realize they are in bondage to. Like it or
not; agree with it or not, it is reality. The slave master actually hates you
because you are created above him and in the image of his Judge, and
executioner. The dark on is out for your ultimate and eternal destruction.
Freedom is an option
based in a choice. The truth is, your freedom is one decision away!
2012 Steven Bliss
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