Thursday, January 9, 2014


In 1988 the athletic shoe company NIKE launched the slogan “Just Do It”! It was their way of reinventing the term, ‘go for it’. Since then it’s become an integral part of modern culture and used in a myriad of ways, many of which that have nothing to do with its original campaign. With that in mind, I’d like to address something extremely personal on my end but I believe extremely applicable to all who will read, and perhaps listen to what I say and take to heart the words of a man that has lived and experienced more in his 60 years of life than most will ever do. I want to reach out to men and women around the world and create a wave of thought that will both challenge you and go against the grain of popular thought; especially today’s liberal mindset that takes us far away from principle and virtue. I will speak from my own life and not that of others to deliver what I want to convey in hopes of driving the point deep into the hearts of all who will read this. My ultimate hope is that truth will prevail and true freedom will be achieved as a result of acting upon what I’m about to say.
I’m going to make a ridiculously bold statement here… “Sex has absolutely no meaning apart from love!" It has no more value than the momentary relief one gets from scratching the itch from a mosquito bite. You might argue that sex and love are synonymous, but I completely disagree. In all my years of living and striving, failed relationships and the devastating after-effects of wild sexual encounters, I can safely say with great clarity that love and sex are not one in the same, nor are they a prelude to each other. They actually have a wide chasm between them that is only closed through the intimacy that total commitment and abandonment of self as well as all else to the devotion two people give and receive from each other when they declare to each other what I call the "Agreement of Oneness”. Anything else is nothing more than what the Bible calls fornication. Fornication is simply put, consensual sex for the sake of pleasure outside of the realm of the declaration of oneness. It is an insult to the image of God in us as it completely denies His own personal Oneness. There is no commitment or purity outside of God's intended oneness. It is a hard concept to grasp given the fallen world in which we live and the societal ideologies we are continually and ruthlessly bombarded with every single day. From television to movies, books to magazine ads, you name it, the idea that anything goes is deceptively and with great purpose shoved down our throats until we actually accept and believe it is the norm. But it is not! As I said in a recent conversation I had, just because something appears to be real doesn’t mean it is. Civilizations rise and fall and historically sex has always played a major role in their demise. Not conjecture, fact!
That may have been a mouthful and a paragraph that causes some more grief than joy, but it is one that should be highly considered given the gravity of what I’m hopefully going to convey here. Let's raise the bar… take it to an otherworldly level shall we say. Let's peel back the layers of the onion and say what most are afraid to ever say, or agree with for that matter: sex outside of the confines of its original intention is without a doubt a key factor in the Great Deception! It massages the flesh, the id, the ego of me that goes against the design of humility and selflessness and the grid of real love. It curses the original design of God and the original intention for which it was created. What do I mean original intention? I imagine most will read this and think me a prude with no concept of the pleasure sex brings. On the contrary, I spent the better part of a lifetime totally deceived by its powerful and delectable bounty dining at its table and eating of its delicacies over and over again. I was, shall we say, glutton of its persuasive delights. But the truth is I was fully, and I mean completely and utterly deceived by its illusive and destructive lie.
I am neither prude nor under the stagnant religious idea that sex is for one purpose only; procreation. But let me be clear, the concept of procreation in and of itself is magnificently and mysteriously overwhelming for those who choose to engage it at its deepest levels.
Procreation is not just the propagating of oneself or a race, nor is it about the preservation of a bloodline, it has far more significance than what is obvious. Procreating is co-creating. The ultimate gift of God given to man to share in with the two halves of Himself, which God put in man and woman, coming together in unity and oneness, as He is One, and doing what only God Himself is the author of, creating life itself. It is the reproduction of His own image. It is His joy and great pleasure for us to be like Him! It is the celebration of our uniqueness in His likeness and our God-given familial right to become one and reproduce Him; one man, one woman... the masculine and feminine natures of God as one. What glory, what power! What splendor! What privilege! I’m going to tell you a truth you may not want to hear as the lies that have been told for so long make it almost impossible to engage with our tainted flesh driven minds; there is incredible pleasure in our participation in the Original Blueprint. There is profound satisfaction achieved in the deep joy that comes from oneness. It is not just the bringing of life into existence but the sharing of intense joy and incredible pleasure the process of bringing that life into existence holds. In it we are able to experience God’s own joy achieved in unity. God intended sex to be the perfect communication between the two halves; the ultimate picture of His own personal desire for intimacy with us! It is the ultimate knowing (in Hebrew it’s the word yada) of not just one another, but Him. The supreme giving and receiving mechanism that can be achieved no other way by those created in His image. (If you want something to think about in light of the fallacies of homosexuality, look no further) Though procreation is a part of all facets of creation, it is not a pleasure-based reality in the rest of creation as it has one purpose alone: increase. If it were just for the purpose of “gettin' ‘er done” then it would be over as fast as it began. Knowing is not necessary for that. Anything apart from the original design is to lower ourselves to our most base-nature and imagining ourselves to be something we are not… animals or worse. How great is such deception? incomprehensible!  It is nothing more than the systematic devaluation of the image of God in us and the demoralization of the creation itself. In other words, it is like spitting in the face of God as one arrogantly take their un-rightful place upon the throne of their life, which is nothing more than rebellion, and entering into agreement with God’s greatest enemy and destroyer of all souls, Lucifer himself, arrogantly fall on our own sword. And to think, all that over the illusion of the momentary pleasure derived outside of the intended realm of good where nothing is restricted and true pleasure is undefiled.
How could we be so blind? Why would we believe something so twisted? You may say it's always been this way, you’re making more out of it than it is, then let me ask you a question, what is the oldest profession on this planet? The answer is there is only one; prostitution! And what is prostitution? It is the original instrument of darkness to persuade the fallen mind into believing its need for momentary gratification as it ultimately objectifies and mares the image of God. It equates man with his supposed 'animal instincts' and gives him a deceptive level of gratification that carries with it neither  responsibility or commitment. Is it any wonder so many children are born out of wedlock? Darkness always twists and perverts what God creates and sees as 'good', and in this insane microwave mentality of a world we live in, our darkest minds are exposed for all to see. Sadly, we celebrate the dark rather than call it dark and see it for what it truly is, grotesque. When we live in deception and function beneath the realities of who God has created us to be, and we no longer reflect the image of the One who created us and we become the terrifying creations of our own imaginations. And the nightmare continues for all those who are deceived and refuse to believe the truth. No wonder the saying sex sells has such power!
There is no judgment here; no condemnation. I have no fingers to point. If I pointed one at you there would be three pointing back at me. I have done all that can be done… sadly, even as a believer in the God who made me I have done the unconscionable and inconceivable. I have been the fool, agreeing with God's enemy, shaming His Name. But here is where hope and forgiveness come in... I personally believe there comes a time in our lives when we wake up and realize we have been brutally deceived and say enough is enough, and then, out of our own failures and experiences, we pay it forward by pulling the curtain back on the master of all deception, Lucifer himself, shining the Light of Truth on the path that points the way to freedom and the joy it brings. To snatch from the fire, as it were, those who are perishing! Honestly, I wish someone had told me these things forty five years ago when I began my own personal plunge into the darkest deception man has ever known. But out of my own deception I can be bold and make the truth known in hopes that someone, somewhere, even if it’s just you, will hear it and make the decision to obey. If it's true that “blessed is the man/woman whose trust is the Lord"... then you won't be disappointed.
In the meantime... just don't do it!

© 2014 Steven Bliss

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  1. This is absolutely wonderful!!! I can relate totally!!! After many so called "relationships" that were not, I finally came to realize this truth!! I am at the place now in my life where i refuse to lower myself to Lucifers standards, in this area that has been so distorted all of my adult life. You can say, looking for love in all the wrong places...but it wasn't love at all. After the last encounter, i knew this was not what God had intended for me, to be so miserable afterwards, feeling lonely, sad and unloved, i guess not really understanding what love really is.. even though i have been a Christian for many years, this truth has finally been revealed in this area. Thank you He says, "go and sin no more". I am trusting and waiting on God for His perfect plan for me to be revealed, and it will be. His word never returns void. Thank you for this timely post, as it is a confirmation of what my God is doing in my life. :)

    1. Thank you Karen... what a great comment. I'm so glad it spoke to you. God bless you on your journey!

  2. Great post, man. Such truth. It stings!
