It's hard enough to live out one's faith in a world where we're constantly bombarded with every temptation that appeals to our fleshly urges and desires. It's a whole new ballgame when faith becomes the vehicle for which one makes their living in Jesus' Name. But it happens every single day. What's worse, our bold justification of it being all under the guise of ministry! It's a tricky business and a very thin line the commercialization of Jesus. What an insult it must be to Almighty God to watch the gifts He's given to men to proclaim His glory and praise as well as His merciful kindness become a means by which one attains wealth and status. It turns into the very thing He warned Israel not to do. Y'shua Himself tore through the money changers. It's difficult to even have an open discussion about it. No one wants to admit they are peddling the Son of God! But that's exactly what has happened and it is rampant in the church. I'm not lumping all into one pot, but the genuine is very hard to find, if not non existent. The Tony Robbins ideology and methodology has captured Christianity and we now have an aberration of the pure. Y'shua wasn't a power of positivity motivator... quite the opposite. All the power of positivity can't embrace Y'shua's words, "in this life you WILL HAVE much tribulation". Overcoming the world and mastering your destiny are two very different things. Chew on this for a while: "Don’t set the affections of your heart on this world or in loving the things of the world. The love of the Father and the love of the world are incompatible. For all that the world can offer us—the gratification of our flesh, the allurement of the things of the world, and the obsession with status and importance—none of these things come from the Father but from the world. This world and its desires are in the process of passing away, but those who love to do the will of God live forever." 1 John 2:15-17 TPT I'm firmly convinced that if Y'shua showed up today and called a special leaders meeting where He addressed the commercialization of God, there would be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth. No one, not one human, no matter who you are or what level of status you've achieved, is never, not ever supposed to be exalted. God says in Isaiah 48:10-11 that He will "not allow His Name to be profaned nor will He share His glory with ANYONE." Motives are tricky because no one can honestly assess their own heart. Jeremiah said, "The heart of man is deceitfully wicked, who can know it?" What's the old saying, "The Road to hell is paved with good intention?" Ah, that illusive character trait, humility. The excuses basket must be overflowing on the desk of God [as if He has one]. Many will say to Him in that day, "Lord, Lord, didn't we do all these wonderful things in Your name?" His response is staggering: "DEPART FROM ME, I NEVER KNEW YOU!" We've turned worship into a concert performance, salvation into building programs that through guilt and manipulation of God's word bilk the faithful out of more and more. I know, a workman is worth his wage, but no one talks about the fact that the apostle's worked to earn their livings as they seeded the world with salt and light? When will we learn that it's a broken and contrite heart that God does not turn away, but welcome in? We have been seduced! Seduced into doing the Lucifer shuffle. We are so blinded by our own self-righteous ambition that we can't see the light of truth for the darkness of the forest right in front of us? After all, it's fallen human nature to worship the creature rather than the Creator, who is forever praised! Admission opens the door to confession and repentance breaks down the walls of pride. The arrogance within the stardom of Christianity is repulsive but its so like God to allow our pride to fester until we finally realize there is no place we can hide. The money changers have never left the Temple courts, they just wear cool clothes as their choice of sackcloth these days. The problem is rampant, the solution, one dimensional: REPENT! “Because these people approach me with empty words, and the honor they bestow on me is mere lip-service; while in fact they have distanced their hearts from me, and their ‘fear of me’ is just a commandment of human origin — therefore, I will have to keep shocking these people with astounding and amazing things, until the ‘wisdom’ of their ‘wise ones’ vanishes, and the ‘discernment’ of their ‘discerning ones’ is hidden away.” Woe to those who burrow down deep to hide their plans from Adonai! They work in the dark and say to themselves, “Nobody sees us, nobody knows us.” Isaiah 29:13-15 CJB “Yet even now,” says Adonai, “turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping and lamenting." Tear your heart, not your garments; and turn to Adonai your God. For He is merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in grace, and willing to change His mind about disaster. Who knows? He may turn, change His mind and leave a blessing behind Him." Joel 2:12-14a And finally,"if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 CJB Jesus isn't a commodity. He's not a commercial product to be sold on QVC or through Amazon. He's not a chia pet or a bobble head doll for the back window of your car. He is GOD and He is holy! Judgment begins in the house of God and it has begun. The old wineskin is broken and that wine now vinegar poured out on the ground. Do you hear His voice? The Kingdom of God is at hand.
(I originally wrote this article on July 17, 2018. As I read it I thought, how timely and uniquely appropriate it is to what is now happening all around us. What inspired me then has now become a monster amongst us. God is calling us to wake up and be sober. To repent of our sins and turn from any agreements we might have with what hell is peddling on the earth. Life as it was is never coming back. If you don't know Jesus as the One who died for your sins and was raised from the dead so that you too can be delivered from death, then I encourage you to ask Him to reveal Himself to you and your desperate need for Him to save you from the sins that separates you from God, and with His great love and mercy He will heal you and deliver you wherever you are!)
The acrimony between darkness and man is as ancient as the stars. The bitterness over the "higher seed", which is man who was created in the image of God, and the usurped ranking of the angelic order and God's slamming gavel against Lucifer's rebellion birthed such jealously and rage, such vehement disdain for those created in God's likeness that from the Garden on only one objective overtook and possessed the mind of Lucifer: destroy the seed at all costs! Why? Because the seed was expressly created to destroy the fallen angel and all his accomplices, as well as those who reject the promise and enter into his rebellion. If the seed of those created in the Likeness of God is their DNA, and within the DNA's double helix is the GOD chromosome, what better way to attempt to destroy the image and Likeness of God from the planet than by marring the seed from the inside rendering it unable to reproduce itself? It's the Trojen Horse! Through persuasion you breech the gates and one molecule here, another there until you not only change the original, you change the entire future of the seed itself. The perfect would no longer exist, only the tainted! We truly live in a scifi state of consciousness. The advances in medicine, especially genetics, have taken on a whole new set of realities not seen in the Earth since the days of Noah. The waters have become murky and our willingness to compromise is now unrestrained. But as Lucifer's illusion blurs our eyes and the lie thickens our cerebral cortex, we become comfortable with our journey into the forbidden under the guise of the advancement and betterment of humankind. And what better lie to weave than by reverse engineering DNA we will cure all diseases? Who will argue the demise of human suffering? Fix it before it fires bad. What you don't like in yourself or your ancestors, you change. Don't like brown eyes, make them blue. Hate black hair? Turn it blond! Don't want to be short, then be tall... and on and on until it's all just right. Become the masters of our destiny, the creator... no longer the the clay, we become the Potter. But isn't it interesting that they never say they'll cure death only prolong life? We encroach upon the secrets of God; those things so deep, so profound to the point that just like a David Copperfield illusion, reality disappears right before our very eyes. Suddenly and sublimely we imagine ourselves to be something we are not... GOD! Darkness knows what corrupts the seed because darkness is itself corrupt. Such insidiousness, such cunning. Do it long enough over a long span of time and you desensitize the masses. Truth becomes whatever you want it to be. Here's a question to ask yourself in this new norm of societal maniacalism. Is it sanity when a child is told if it doesn't like the gender it was born with that it's fully acceptable and within the rights of that child to explore the idea of gender dysmorphia? To tell a child that sexual transgenderism is normal is in itself a clear indicator of a mind that has been corrupted to the point that it is no longer capable of perceiving or receiving truth. To willingly, as a parent, abandon all reason and instruct your child in such a way is not only wrong, it's pure evil! You have agreed with Lucifer himself and led your child away from the truth and the living God! You marr the image of the innocent. And to those who do such I repeat the words of Jesus, "It would be better that a millstone be hung around your neck and you were cast into the sea than to lead any of these innocent ones away from Me and the truth!" Luke 17:2 2021 has revealed the Trojan Horse. The image has been breached. Mass corruption begun. Don't you wonder why the mandates? Why the threats and punishments? The determination to vaccinate the entire planet when the survivability rate is over 98%? Why the fear-driven campaign to promote a so-called vaccine that prevents nothing? Is it lunacy or an insidious planned deception? Shut off reason, turn off the governor to what is right and wrong and you weld shut the door to truth. The spirit of truth can no longer communicate with you. The conduit to the Divine is severed and the enslavement and control of thought has been achieved. Enter the reprobate mind. It looks like a human and even acts like one, but in appearance only! At this point the likeness and image have now been permanently... ALTERED!
We're living in a world that has drastically changed right before our eyes, in a moment. New things are unfolding every day faster than we can perceive or respond to, and we're learning things we have no idea of at a breakneck pace. But much of what we are discovering has more to do with deception than it does with truth. But, there is an ancient truth for us to see that cannot be denied that bears heavy weight. This truth, above all others has more meaning and value to us as individuals and the entire human race that has been created in the image of God than all truths put together. God says something to Moses 3500 years ago that has more relevance today due to its implications and our current condition that cannot be ignored. God told Moses, "The life of the flesh is in the blood. I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life." Leviticus 17:11 What is amazing about this obscure verse is that it was not until less than 100 years ago this truth became fully known and understood scientifically. Science only a short time ago discovered that in our blood is our life! Even into the early 1900's bloodletting was a common practice at the attempt to heal someone. Allow me to break down and most vital statement God follows it up with: 'I have given it to you ON THE ALTAR TO MAKE ATONEMENT for your souls; for IT IS THE BLOOD that makes atonement BY REASON OF THE LIFE." At that time God instituted animal sacrifice as the payment for sin. He would only accept blood because of the LIFE that is in it. Life for life. It was a picture of what was to come when He would offer up the greatest and most precious sacrifice for the entire human race... His only Son, Y'shua/Jesus. Ultimately what God offers as the perfect atonement is His own blood. How could that be you may ask? Y'shua said, "When you see me, you've seen the Father, for I and the father are [echad], one!" Understanding this then amplifies the meaning of all things pertaining to the blood of Y'shua. Especially in the words of the Revelation, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even in the face of death." Revelation 12:11 So then statements like there is power in the blood of the Lamb take on a whole new meaning when infused with this indelible truth. Here are a few truths from scripture to back up what I'm saying: We were bought with His blood Acts 20:28, Reconciled and made at peace with God by His blood Colossians 1:20, Redeemed by His blood Ephesians 1:7, Purified from all sin by His blood 1 John 1:7, Saved from God's wrath by His blood Romans 5:4; just to name a few. As you can clearly see, blood has the intrinsic quality of life in it to the point we don't exist without it, even more importantly, we have no relationship with God apart from it. So if you were the devil, Lucifer himself, and you were devising a specific plan to destroy man, by what means would you seek to destroy him? After all, man is created in the image of God, so how would you best commit the murder of the image of God? Some form of mass suicide? And being the devious Lucifer, the master prestidigitator that he is, what nefarious plan would you cook up to stealthily get man to annihilate himself without him even knowing he's doing it? War? Nope that hasn't worked in 7000 years. People always survive and repopulate. It has to be far more sinister. Something, unseen shall we say. In these last months since covid began to sweep the globe eighteen months ago there have been some very interesting as well as unsettling revelations to appear. Autopsies have been performed on the bodies of those who have died after getting the mRNA so-called vaccine. What is now clear is that the effects of whatever is in that shot are mind blowing to say the least, lethal at best. From pathology to ophthalmology the discovery is, and I'll make it as simple as I can, the spike proteins in the shot create two things in the body, inflammation of the vessels and clotting of the blood. The immediate results are scary, the long term reality has the potential for genocide on a global scale. If the life of the flesh is in the blood, then for Lucifer's to wipe out his greatest threat he must destroy the blood and thereby mare the image. And isn't interesting to you and wouldn't inquiring minds want to know why these so-called vaccines have a chemical in them called Luciferase which causes the cells to illuminate? Luciferase? They aren't even hiding it yet they don't want you to know that. Of course no one in their right mind would put something in their body that would kill them, right? But if you create an atmosphere of paralyzing fear through the insanity of the release of a deadly virus worldwide and then convince people everywhere that you have the fix, which now we know fixed nothing at all, then you could convince the masses to participate in an experiment that could become globally lethal in a short period of time. What better way to throw a net around the whole of humanity at one time. The book of revelations says that one third of the entire worlds population will die of plague just before Y'shua's return. There's way more to this. Don't just take my word for it, do the research yourselves. There are no coincidences my friends. Certainly something to consider. Y'shua/Jesus died for you. Now is the time to consider His offer of eternal life. It's free!