Wednesday, October 20, 2021



(I originally wrote this article on July 17, 2018. As I read it I thought, how timely and uniquely appropriate it is to what is now happening all around us. What inspired me then has now become a monster amongst us. God is calling us to wake up and be sober. To repent of our sins and turn from any agreements we might have with what hell is peddling on the earth. Life as it was is never coming back. If you don't know Jesus as the One who died for your sins and was raised from the dead so that you too can be delivered from death, then I encourage you to ask Him to reveal Himself to you and your desperate need for Him to save you from the sins that separates you from God, and with His great love and mercy He will heal you and deliver you wherever you are!)

     The acrimony between darkness and man is as ancient as the stars. The bitterness over the "higher seed", which is man who was created in the image of God, and the usurped ranking of the angelic order and God's slamming gavel against Lucifer's rebellion birthed such jealously and rage, such vehement disdain for those created in God's likeness that from the Garden on only one objective overtook and possessed the mind of Lucifer: destroy the seed at all costs! Why? Because the seed was expressly created to destroy the fallen angel and all his accomplices, as well as those who reject the promise and enter into his rebellion. 
     If the seed of those created in the Likeness of God is their DNA, and within the DNA's double helix is the GOD chromosome, what better way to attempt to destroy the image and Likeness of God from the planet than by marring the seed from the inside rendering it unable to reproduce itself? It's the Trojen Horse! Through persuasion you breech the gates and one molecule here, another there until you not only change the original, you change the entire future of the seed itself. The perfect would no longer exist, only the tainted!
     We truly live in a scifi state of consciousness. The advances in medicine, especially genetics, have taken on a whole new set of realities not seen in the Earth since the days of Noah. The waters have become murky and our willingness to compromise is now unrestrained. But as Lucifer's illusion blurs our eyes and the lie thickens our cerebral cortex, we become comfortable with our journey into the forbidden under the guise of the advancement and betterment of humankind. And what better lie to weave than by reverse engineering DNA we will cure all diseases? Who will argue the demise of human suffering? Fix it before it fires bad. What you don't like in yourself or your ancestors, you change. Don't like brown eyes, make them blue. Hate black hair? Turn it blond! Don't want to be short, then be tall... and on and on until it's all just right. Become the masters of our destiny, the creator... no longer the the clay, we become the Potter. But isn't it interesting that they never say they'll cure death only prolong life?
     We encroach upon the secrets of God; those things so deep, so profound to the point that just like a David Copperfield illusion, reality disappears right before our very eyes. Suddenly and sublimely we imagine ourselves to be something we are not... GOD! Darkness knows what corrupts the seed because darkness is itself corrupt. 
     Such insidiousness, such cunning. Do it long enough over a long span of time and you desensitize the masses. Truth becomes whatever you want it to be. 
Here's a question to ask yourself in this new norm of societal maniacalism. Is it sanity when a child is told if it doesn't like the gender it was born with that it's fully acceptable and within the rights of that child to explore the idea of gender dysmorphia? To tell a child that sexual transgenderism is normal is in itself a clear indicator of a mind that has been corrupted to the point that it is no longer capable of perceiving or receiving truth. To willingly, as a parent, abandon all reason and instruct your child in such a way is not only wrong, it's pure evil! You have agreed with Lucifer himself and led your child away from the truth and the living God! You marr the image of the innocent. And to those who do such I repeat the words of Jesus, "It would be better that a millstone be hung around your neck and you were cast into the sea than to lead any of these innocent ones away from Me and the truth!" Luke 17:2 
     2021 has revealed the Trojan Horse. The image has been breached. Mass corruption begun. Don't you wonder why the mandates? Why the threats and punishments? The determination to vaccinate the entire planet when the survivability rate is over 98%? Why the fear-driven campaign to promote a so-called vaccine that prevents nothing? Is it lunacy or an insidious planned deception?
     Shut off reason, turn off the governor to what is right and wrong and you weld shut the door to truth. The spirit of truth can no longer communicate with you. The conduit to the Divine is severed and the enslavement and control of thought has been achieved. Enter the reprobate mind. It looks like a human and even acts like one, but in appearance only! At this point the likeness and image have now been permanently... 


Steven Bliss
© 10/18/21

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