Saturday, August 21, 2010


(Several months ago a 7 year old boy was murdered by Taliban thugs in retaliation for the boys Grandfathers instructions to stand against the Taliban to the people of their small village in Afghanistan. A spokesperson for the Taliban accused the boy of spying for the US. The child was apprehended as he was playing and later found hanging from a tree not far from the village. In truth, it was clearly an act meant to instill fear and terror in the hearts of his family, and anyone influenced by the words of his Grandfather.) 

            We now live in an age of neo-barbarianism. Unlike its early predecessors, this age has arrived in a time when civilization has evolved and devolved at the exact same time. There are no excuses for insanity other than insanity itself, but the great big world we live in has gotten very small over the last twenty years. Whether it’s because of computers or travel, or the constant up to the nanosecond global information barrage from the media; as citizens of the world we are living in very tight quarters. What we were sheltered from in the past now stares us in the face. Good or bad, it forces us to look, and demands that we respond. 

In my opinion, the earthshaking event of a 7 year old boy being snatched from the safety of innocent play to be hung from a tree in order to terrorize all who see; as well as those of us who discover this horrific story, requires an aggressive, yet honest immediate response. 

In the ancient world, there were no rules of engagement. It was common practice to strike fear in the hearts of an enemy by cutting off the heads of those who oppose you and hang their bodies from the city walls and plant their heads on stakes for all to see. There was no civilized or humane sense about it. The point was, “This will happen to anyone who defies or comes against us. Be forewarned!” More often than not, it worked. Those who were struck with fear retreated into submission. But these are different times… right? We are no longer barbarians… right? 

Unfortunately the answers to these questions are being rapidly redefined. 

Sophisticated and intellectual warfare fought with fierce and formidable weapons are no real match for the ancient ways of war. Though the power of the weapons seems more apt to inflict greater casualty, it pales in comparison to the demon-like ferocity of those who wield the weapons of psychological terror. Strike fear into the heart and you control the mind. Even more insidious and greater still… those who are promised reward for their sacrifice willingly participate without fear of reprisal. 

Without exception, the use of children is at its least, criminal. At its highest it is unconscionable and requires a re-think of just how we are dealing with our enemy. If you are a parent, put yourself for one moment in the place of the parents and relatives of this child. 

In this present climate where even the terminology is being changed to dull the senses, we have been lulled into the hands of our enemy by disconnecting with just who it is we are fighting. We assume the posture of sophistication and intelligence against and enemy whose sole purpose is world domination through a “bow or die” mentality. They are drunk with the blood of their martyrs and as deceived as they are wicked. They are a consuming force making their way into the peaceful un-walled villages of our minds. Ours is to reason, theirs is to conquer. We seek to be civilized, compassionate, and help; they live to kill. It is an ancient foe... one that has ruled more than once on this planet, and seeks to rule again. 

The rules of engagement do not exist for those under such ancient influence. To engage this enemy with any mindset other than the one they employ is like trying to keep oil from slipping through your fingers. In these cases, an eye for eye is an acceptable position. Most will say this is nothing more than a barbaric approach to an ineffectual end. But when dealing with those who have no compunction in hanging a 7 year old child from a tree to terrorize the hearts of all who see, fire must be returned with fire… but not with the same fire used by the enemy… rather with fire that will char the palate of the demons within.

Thanks for reading. 

© 2010 Steven Bliss
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