Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It is unnecessary to ramble on about the times in which we live. All one needs do these days is open their eyes, get out of bed and turn on their computer, television, radio, iPad, iPod, Smartphone, or whatever electronic device that’s out there, and poof… instant connectivity to the world. The “news” today, unless all you read is gossip, ranges from bad to catastrophic in a split second. We are living in unprecedented times, to say the least.
From what I see, and in my humble opinion, we are seconds away from entering the times the Bible calls, “woes and sorrows”. They will escalate out of the impending war that immanently awaits the Middle East. Israel will be invaded by a multitude of demonically charged warriors intent on the total destruction of the state, all existing Jews; with the occupation and control of Jerusalem as its prize. But take heart, though much of this will happen, it will only momentarily succeed. It will be thwarted by the greatest Event in history.
But for now, we who watch are stuck in what I will call “the meantime”.
We have entered the most perilous times in the history of man. It is strangely similar to those days the Bible describes as “the days of Noah”. There is a war being waged, in the natural, but even more so on the battlefield of reason in the mind of every human being on this planet. We are bombarded in the sanctuaries of our thoughts moment by moment. Massive amounts of information are being flung at us at speeds faster than our minds can even process. The gates to our souls have been breached. Not only those of adults, but those of our children. You may think, “children have been exposed to many things for a long time”, that may be, but now they know things no child should ever know. They desecrate the sacred places of their hearts with images and all kinds of deceptive weavings of darkness that, on the surface, seem innocuous, but in its most heinous plan, seek their utter depravity.
The cry goes out… We need more! Make it faster! More stimulation, more noise, more chaos! Silence lost its golden touch. We have opened ourselves up, in the playground of our minds, to the unholy. We do not realize that the war for eternity is won and lost in the battlefield of our minds. We see the gratification that comes from knowing as some sort of fulfillment. We imagine that we won’t succeed, that our children won’t succeed, without it. We see nothing wrong with it, justifying its close proximity and access to our souls through the gates of our eyes and ears, smell and touch. Worse yet, we see its detractors and antagonists as disconnected and counterproductive; out of touch with the times and progress itself. Sadly, those who have bought into such fallacies have believed a lie.
The apostle Peter emphatically shouts at us though the corridors of time, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking those whom he may devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the entire world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” We are exhorted to guard our “hearts and mind”. We are even told to symbolically put a helmet of Salvation on our heads as a part of the armor of God! But here Peter moves from urging to warning. BE ALERT AND OF SOBER MIND! It’s a charge, a command as it were, to become keenly aware and self-guarded. Why? Because the warfare of darkness is not about what you can see or rationalize, it’s about stealthily obtaining territorial control of your mind for the purpose of allegiance and possession! We’re not talking about the possession seen in the Exorcist, though that certainly does happen, but something far subtler, far more surreptitious; it’s for control of your eternal existence. Proverbs 23 says, “as a man thinks in his heart, so he is”, which corresponds with “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” If possession is 9/10’s of the law, then the battle for control is about law, and the way that warfare is waged is by the bombardment of the mind with misinformation that leads the mind into the deconstruction of truth and reason, replacing it with false evidence that appears real. In other words, creating the ultimate state of fear.
In the art of bass fishing it’s all about the lure. Bass are lured into biting by the things that catch their eye. The more shiny and flashy you make it, the more seductive its movement, the greater the potential for the fish to be attracted and deceived into taking the bait, thereby turning a harmless little piece of nothing into an instrument of death. So it is with us.
I can still remember the old Smokey the Bear commercials when I was a kid. They always ended the same way, Smokey holding a smoldering match saying, “Only you can prevent forest fires”. The point was YOU were the only one who could prevent it from happening by making the right choice. Today, I say the same thing to all of you, “Only you can prevent the destroyer of souls from having his way with you”. You have the choice moment by moment as to what you allow, and what you don’t. Only you are in control of the decision to be aware or ignore what is right in front of you.
So in the same way both Joshua and Elijah charged Israel so long ago, I charge you… “Choose this day whom you will serve!” The consequences are eternalChoose wisely.

© 2011 Steven Bliss 
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