Wednesday, August 31, 2011


            Unbeknownst to most well misinformed evangelicals in western, and other forms of Christianity around the world, the rug is slowly being pulled out from under their feet, and what they have known and accepted as “church” is beginning to crumble. The walls that have surrounded it for centuries are been being pulled apart brick by brick. Its disassociation with its heritage and historical roots has produced an alarming level of arrogance and misguidedness in its roll in the world in general, as well as its true eschatological destiny. In other words, because they refuse to connect themselves with their historical past and familial ties, they cannot comprehend nor perceive that the past is the future. The central theme at very heart of Judaism is the command to “remember” the stories and events that will one day shape its future. But only a small contingency within Christianity itself embrace Israel’s past as their own. It has forgotten that its present and future history is intrinsically locked arm in arm with Israel’s historical past and her redemptive future. Not only with the land, but the Jewish people themselves.
            There is a reason why God has had the physical descendants of Abraham repeat the feasts and festivals over and over again. They are not just reminders of God’s past faithfulness, but a rehearsal for something they will go through in the future. By continually rehearsing it they will recognize it when it reappears, revealing the power of God’s faithfulness as not only something He did in the ancient past, but is then presently tangible causing their faith to become ignited and sustaining. As of right now, within the Jewish world, most who do Pesach year after year do not see what I have just said as so, though it stares them squarely in the face. It is not only their past they celebrate, but their future. Even worse, Christianity, which has separated herself from such things, sees such feasts as irrelevant and disconnected. Instead, she aligns herself with unbiblical holidays and pagan practices such as Easter, not given to her by those who followed Jesus, but rather those who persecuted the womb from which He came. Unfortunately, by embracing them as tradition, they demoralize her own state of consciousness, further widening the gap between herself and her own spiritual bloodline.
            As modern Israel is surrounded by the war cries of her enemies and prepares herself for an impending conflict of Biblical proportions, the majority of Christianity distances itself, as if unrelated, not recognizing that she too is a target on the radar of God’s enemies.
The idea that Israel is a microcosm of a macro reality does not exist within the thinking of most within churchianity. That the “whole house” is under attack is a concept not engaged whatsoever. Everywhere you look Christianity’s once strong influence has either been removed or is in the process of being torn out like one pulls dead flowers from the bed after their beauty has faded and fragrance gone. As she withers, Christianity’s disassociation with Israel and her own Hebraic roots rapidly make her an enemy of the state. The war is not just coming to little Israel in the Middle East, but to Christianity as well worldwide.
            Right now, there’s still time to change one’s mind as it were… to go in the opposite direction. That is precisely what the ancient concept of the Hebrew word for repentance means. In Judaism, to sin is considered temporary insanity because in your right mind, you would never do what you have done. The word teshuvah, translated to repent, is the idea of coming to ones senses, changing ones mind, and going in the right direction. We cannot change the past or what has been, nor can we change the immensity of erroneous thinking and false teaching that permeates the entirety of Christianity; but we can engage the Nehemiah principle of “one brick at a time”. What do I mean by that?
When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem after an incredible change of national thinking in captivity with the daunting task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, he commanded each individual who participated in the rebuilding to have a brick in one hand and a sword in the other. To break that same idea down for us, when we change our perspective from separated entity to a whole house view, we begin to see each person’s responsibility to rebuild the walls of their own understanding thereby contributing to the rebuilding of the greater walls as a whole.
But it first requires a “change of mind” on our part, teshuvah, resulting in a redirection of affection. Then, and only then, will the pieces fit rightly together, brick upon brick, stone upon stone.
            What is coming in the not so distant future will be terrifying. The unimaginable will stand before us. What was once only science fiction and myth will rage before our eyes in reality. At that point, the Bible will no longer be just words on paper bound by covers; but life itself to those who are willing to eat from it. There is no middle ground with God. No shifting or shadows. You will either be with Him, or against Him.
            Not only is Israel the nation in crisis, but the entire house of God itself! Its power is waning because it is a house divided. If desperate times call for desperate measures, then it’s time to act; and the first order of business should be, in my opinion, the realignment of God’s people with God’s people!

© 2011 Steven Bliss
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