Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Recently in a Facebook dialog over an article I posted about Newsweek’s hilariously stupid cover picture of President Obama with a rainbow colored halo over his head and the caption “The Gay President”, I have come to marvel at the sheer lack of willingness on peoples parts to investigate the facts on why the do or do not believe in something… such as why after four years of the most contrary and disruptive administration since Jimmy Carter and Woodrow Wilson do they still believe Mr. Obama has anything to offer the citizens of America as he has single-handedly brought the country to its knees and done the exact opposite of all he so gloriously alleged. After a plethora of comments, some ludicrous, some brilliant, some finger pointing and insinuating, I finished it up with what I will call my op-ed on the whole matter. This is “my opinion”. It doesn’t mean I am right, I’m not claiming I am right… merely stating fact and observation on the current state of affairs in America, and the daunting task of re-righting the ship (if it is even possible anymore), and the calling to sanity those who have been so dubiously duped into slumber through hypnotic charismatica! Again… this is just “my opinion”. Take it for what it’s worth!

I think for me, and I'm only speaking for me, my view of the state of affairs in my country is that we are out of control and not getting better, but worse. We are like a close friend of mine who passed away some years back. She had pneumonia and didn't even know how sick she was until she died because she wouldn't go to the doctor because she only thought she had a slight case of bronchitis. Whose fault is it? IMO many people's. Is it all on Obama's shoulders? No, but I must qualify that no by saying "HE IS IN THE DRIVERS SEAT"! That places a greater onus and responsibility on his shoulders. My personal point of view is that he has NOT done a great job. I personally believe its his lack of experience, understanding and a radically different philosophy than what I believe it takes to really steer such and enormous nation. His charismatic and well intentioned beginning with a simple mantra of "yes we can" that seduced the masses has fallen painfully short in its implementation. Was it a impossible task to begin with... probably... has he done the best with what he had to work with... IMHO, NO!

It is painfully obvious to me that most don't really investigate beyond the surface and take things, for the most part, at face value. Let's be honest, research is tedious and for the most part, extremely boring. But, if you only take things at face value and listen to a hyper-biased media, then you will believe whatever it is they want you to believe... whether negative or positive. But I am not one who settles. I know that lies, exaggeration and twisting things are a part of politics, media, and sadly, religion. That's why I want to search out a matter for myself. There have been many times that I have taken what someone said as the gospel truth, only to be humiliated and extremely disappointed when the truth finally did come out.

This is not about religion for me. I know, many of you won't believe that statement because of my strong convictions, but this is about my own personal research and discovery as a citizen of this great, though terribly waning, country. I have many friends whom I love that are gay. I don't care what lifestyle they choose to live, I love them for who they are. Many of my closest friends are black. I had a black pen-pall at 9 years old. I played music and have written with a lot of amazing people, many whom are black. Most of them think I was born black and then turned white. Most of my white friends think I'm black and will publicly state such. LOL I am a hater of racism. God is a hater of racism. I have traveled down many paths in my 58 years and done many things that I wished I hadn't, but I will never be labeled as anti anything other than sin and darkness! I believe in the power of love and the greatest quality any human being can exhibit, humility.
For me, so much is missing in this country... it's lost its way. It has mistaken socialism for acceptance, liberalism for tolerance, dependance as love. We are on a collision corse with destruction. We don't take Santayana's famous remark "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" seriously. That's why the Bible is the greatest book in the world... because God knows we forget, and we need to be continually reminded. Israel always did well when it was humble and remembered God's intervention due to their forgetfulness. America... and us, it's citizens, have forgotten what has made us the greatest nation on the earth. We have forgotten the blood that was shed for our liberty and freedom. We disconnected from our European socialistic, dictatorial and despotic past and have created a place where anyone could have the freedom to be who God made them to be in the first place. We are being fed a concoction of pure lies and half truths as we are led seductively backwards... and sadly, we don't even see it. We have become the epitome of the "blind leading the blind". And for this very reason, we are destined to become the very things we were delivered from so long ago... indentured slaves and servants without a voice.
I am truly grateful for the amazing interactions here, but I am not one who lies down and just says run over me. I see a greater hope and future for this country. Is there anyone right now that can honestly deliver that... not anyone human. But there is a way that seems right to many because of the propaganda we are being fed. It's way ends in death. Death of a dream! Death of a nation! Death of Freedom! Do I believe BO is the anti-christ? I reserve judgment on that, but is he really a Christian in the truest sense of the word Biblically... I would have to say from all I have read and heard him say, and yes that includes his own writings and words, NO! Do I believe he is Hitler? No, though he is extremely antagonistic towards Israel and the Jewish people... like it or not, and he strangely resembles some of the despotic characteristics of the man who would deceive a nation! America is much different than Germany in the 1920's and 30's, but deception and propaganda are rampant in the Obama camp. Do I believe he is a muslim and or a muslim sympathizer? If he's not, he has serious visions of using radical Islam as a tool in his twisted view of the world... and again... this is all based on his actions and very own words. Do I believe he is a great president or can be a great president... NO. Is he gay? Really... do I even need to answer that question?
Bottom line is this... we have forgotten that in America it's "by the people, for the people". We still have a voice. For how much longer... that's anyone's guess, but by the way we're going now, it won't be long... even though they may tell you that's not true. In 2014 Obamacare will become law. It is the single most sinister and corrupt piece of legislation to ever be passed into law in this countries history. Once implemented it will be enforced by the IRS. Politicians, and select others, are exempt from it! Really? Why? You have to be drinkin' the kool-aid to not investigate the complete unconstitutionality of this bill. It will single handedly begin the process of removing your rights... OUR RIGHTS to choose. That alone should scare the livin' tar out of every single one of you.
I'm not here to sling mud... but to call to attention those who will hear and shout to those who are asleep at the wheel... WAKE UP! Like me or not... judge me as you will... but I will not be quiet as long as God gives me breath!


(please feel free to comment world…  that’s what the little box below is all about. Your opinion matters)

© 2012 Steven Bliss
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