Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I loved Tim Burton's masterpiece rendition of Alice In Wonderland. For me it has some of the most amazing life analogies woven through it, especially the idea that Alice, in the real world, was being required to be something she was not. Does that sound familiar? Have you found yourself there?
Alice was about to find herself in an arranged marriage she had no interest in or desire for. But the pressures of those around her to comply were both controlling and stifling. She was told she would be happy because of the security she would receive due to the enormous wealth and prestige the union would bring her, but the truth was, Alice would be marrying someone who was a pig of a man. Her life would have been one of emptiness, despair, remorse and regret.
It was Alice’s trip down the rabbit hole where her spiritual destiny was to slay the dragons of her life that held her back, revealing the truth of who she really was, giving her the power and courage to say NO MORE to what others thought she should be, and the freedom to be in real life who she was created to be! With the strength to resist the norm and break from others expectations, Alice arrived at her own authentic destiny. And so it is with God...
In this first video I ask the question how close is close enough when you want to truly know someone? At what point do you stop and say "that's close enough"?
In this crazy world of failed relationships and broken promises, closeness is a very difficult thing to achieve. And if it's difficult to be intimate with another human being, how much more difficult is it to be intimate with God Himself? 
The truth is there is an enemy who wants nothing more than for you and I to think it's beyond the realm of possibilities.
For most of us, it's easier to be like Israel at Mt. Sinai who told Moses to go up on the mountain and talk to God for them because to them He was far too scary to ever be close with. They didn't want the intimacy of a face to face encounter. All they heard was thunder and lightening and the roar of His voice, but for Moses he heard a different sound. He heard God say, “Come up here”! Moses was unafraid because he had developed a deep intimate relationship with YHVH and longed to be in His presence more than he did the very people God had called him to lead.
Come with me on a personal journey in this series of video blogs and discover the depth and power of a simple little Hebrew word from the Bible... yada, which means, “to know”. Maybe you'll be like me and discover there is nothing more important than being intimate with the One who made you! 
Take a trip down the rabbit hole and discover who you truly are, not according to what others think or say about you, or even how you percieve yourself, but according to what God says and how He sees you. It's there you will discover the reward that awaits you… the power of love that will unlock the totally unique and authentic, YOU!

© 2013 Steven Bliss
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