Saturday, February 4, 2017


         In November of 2016 I was hiking in my favorite place where I seem to have spiritual encounter after encounter when I was stopped twice in my tracks by the Voice I’ve learned to know. Below are the dates and the two things I heard… I feel it’s time to make them public for you to ponder. It is now two weeks into the Trump administration and I’d say, to say the least, it’s showing itself to be a wild ride. Hold on folks… you haven’t seen anything yet!
         Listen… don’t take my word for it… ask God yourself if it’s true, what it means to you, and what should your response to it be?
November 8, 2016
As the thorn pricks and the wound bleeds so shall the earth reel at its piercing. What the one has done, so the many shall know. Crooked steps through a broken gate is the path which all shall endure. The blind eye will say I have not seen and the ears of the deaf shall claim no sound, but what will enter the earth no man can excuse, for even the dead shall tremble and quake. For the rocks will cry out with a terrible shout and the wailing rush through the trees. For I shall descend with a dreadful shout as I cover the earth with My wings. 

November 24, 2016
What is coming over the next 11 months no one can comprehend... Israel will reel and the world will rock.
Trump is a SOUND that shall be heard.
The beginning has begun and the ending is at hand. MY lens of the world is not in America but on the mount in Jerusalem.
Know and rest, ignore and strive. Fast shall become faster and darkness become darker but I will keep in perfect shalom those whose mind's look intently at ME.
What is to come SHALL BE BUILT to which the whole world will bow, but you will only look on with your eyes. 

© 2017 Steven Bliss

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


For 2,000 years a cry has gone up to heaven, a plea has been exhaled, a concert of voices crying out for the return of the one who was slain. A begging of sorts as insanity presses hard against humanity. Many said throughout the past two thousand years that the story was false, that the return was a lie and that such expectations will only lead to disappointment. But man forgets a most crucial part of the greatest story ever told; God is eternal and not bound by space or time. God does not move or hold to the seconds on a clock or even nanoseconds but sweeps through a timeless veil as He accomplishes His purposes precisely and with pinpoint accuracy within the constraints of time which He Himself imposed upon man.
Close to 4,000 years ago in a relatively unknown part of the world that to us seems meaningless an encounter took place between man and the Creator of all things. It wasn't just a conversation but Divine handshake where a covenant was forged and a promise made not by the man with God but by God with the man concerning his progeny and the future of all mankind. The story goes a little like this (my interpretation paraphrased and condensed): “I will create through you a great family that I shall use to reveal Myself to all mankind. I have chosen you because you come from the loins of your father Adam and Seth. The family I wanted to create through Adam I will create through you. But your family, like your Adam, will rebel against me yet I will not waver in doing what I have promised to you this day and we'll keep by My sworn word to you in covenant. Though they will wander and wail, be scattered and die, because of My promise to you this day I will gather them to Myself and to the place of My choosing so that I may reveal myself to the whole world through them. And because of the rebellion against me I will make a way for that rebellion to be null and void. I will do a great thing that no one can comprehend but you will see it and be glad. You and your family, and all the families of the Earth, the sons and daughters of your father Adam shall be redeemed by what I do. And then, after many years I will begin the restoration by calling your family back from the ends of the Earth and I shall reestablish your family as one on the face of the Earth and then they shall know that I AM YAHWEH who swears these things to you this day. For in that day a great terror shall rise but I will be the light that dispels the darkness for I shall return! Every eye shall see and knee bow and every tongue confess that I AM is God."
1,948 years after the creation of Adam, his many times great grandson Abraham was born to Terah in the city of UR in what is today southern Iraq. Subsequently in thousands of years in the future another 1948 occurred. In that year a miracle took place where out of the ashes of death and destruction in the ovens of the Holocaust where over 7 million Jew died, the nation of Israel and the rebirth of Abraham in the earth took place on the very ground God gave to Abraham when He gave him His promise almost 4,000 years before. One may easily choose to consider it nothing more than coincidence, but historically it is perhaps one of the most dramatic events to ever take place in the history of man on the earth. What was dead and decimated was brought back to life in order to bring to pass the fulfillment of a promise made by God thousands of years in the past to a man whose bones have long been dust in the ground
In this day of fabrication exaggeration and out-and-out lies, along with fake news in the propagation of dark agendas of wicked men, the nation of Israel stands as a beacon of light for all to see. But there's a deeper story here that needs to be taken into consideration given the history and promises made by the God.
When Jesus came the first time there are several things that need to be examined and taken into consideration pertaining to a story that is unfolding before our very eyes. First is that Israel did not exist as a nation at that time of His first coming. It was subjugated under the Roman Empire and was known as Palestine. Second, though the Romans ruled the land of Palestine and governed the city of Jerusalem, a temple had been erected by Herod the Great and was used by the religious order of the Jews and the people of the time for the purpose of worshiping and sacrificing to the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Third, though at the time Jerusalem was barely recognizable as the holy city that God had chosen for Himself and for His name to be glorified in, it is where He Himself would make a personal sacrifice for all of mankind in order to restore to him to right relationship with Him forever. And it is to that very place where Jesus was sacrificed He will return as He promised. But before He returns there are specific things that have to take place that were prophesied as pre-return requirements.
Though there are quite a few I will only focus on several that I believe are most relevant to what I’m about to share.
First is that Israel must exist as a Sovereign Nation. That happened in May of 1948. With the creation of the nation, second would be a calling out to the world for all those who are the descendants of Abraham according to blood to return home to the land. They would be compelled to the point whether by force or personal choice to go. That began in in the late 1800 and exploded in 1948 but has accelerated over the last 50 years since 1967 when Jerusalem was taken out of the hands of gentiles and returned to its rightful owners, the descendants of Abraham. This too was a part of the promises God made. Third, and just prior to the return of Jesus to the Earth, a Temple would be constructed in Jerusalem and Israel would return to an extreme religious posture towards God in the midst of a world spinning out of control. Jerusalem itself would become a source of consternation throughout the entire globe and all the nations of the earth would rage against her. This has obviously not happened at this point but will in the not-too-distant future.
From 2009 until January 20th of 2017, the United States of America, Israel’s only real ally in the Earth, has poked Israel in the eye by continually humiliating its leaders, verbally rebuking her as a petulant stepchild and financially backing her most vehement enemies. America has showed great disdain and disgust through its highest official, Barack Obama, whose father was an anti-Semite and hated Israel and passed that posture along to his son who became the leader of the most powerful nation on the Earth. In the last month of his presidency alone Obama did whatever he could to humiliate and create years of problems for the nation of Israel by abstaining from a UN resolution which left Israel unprotected, and in a last-ditch effort attempted to give $200 million to Israel's indigenous and most insidious foe, the PLO. And lets not forget to mention the demonic pact Obama made in the form of a treaty with Iran(the modern-day diversionary name for the ancient nation of Persia and home of perhaps the most lethal principality in all the Earth, the Biblical Prince of Persia) paying them billions in cash to build their terror infrastructure without the permission of Congress. Hezbollah, an arm of Iranian terror is encamped just to the north in Lebanon. It has been obvious since Mr. Obama’s speech in Cairo to the Arab League of Nations of his personal support of the spread of Islam, and hence the spread of Islamic terrorism around the globe whose soul focus is to cause America to implode and wipe Israel from the face of the Earth.
Knowing all this, what makes this time different than any other time? What is the significance on the rise and obvious favor and choice of a man, Donald Trump, who no one gave a single chance to? What was happening in the final hours of the election of 2016 that changed the course not only of American history, but the world? Who is Donald Trump and why did he rise to the highest office in the entire world? Why Trump and who is he really?
            The opinions and thoughts I am about to give are purely mine. They are my observations and my perceptions and perspective of what I believe is a bigger and far more important story than the one that has just played out with the election and inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States.
I want to start off by not beating around the bush by over-telling a story, but go directly to the point and then lay out some thoughts for you to ponder, investigate and consider. I believe Donald Trump's roll is far greater than that of the president of the United States, I believe it is for a strategic allegiance with the nation of Israel that has not been seen since Cyrus the Great and his release of the children of Israel to go back and rebuild their Temple after 70 years of exile in Babylon. I believe Donald Trump is a prophetic figure and will play out to be one of the most significant biblical figures in history. Time will tell, but this is what I believe.
Zechariah Chapter 12 says that at the end of all things Jerusalem will become a bone of contention as never before to all the nations in the earth, that they will stumble over her as they rage against her. This is a promise will immediately precede the return of Jesus to the earth. In a sense it’s a covenant with Israel and all the descendants of Adam and Eve. Since 1967 when Jerusalem was captured and retaken by the Jews and declared Israel's capital it has been a constant source of consternation for those who hate the Jews and Israel. Since 1955 Yasser Arafat and his PLO have sought to undermine and recapture it for themselves. At least divide it. And the one piece of property they hold and guard with fierceness is the Temple mount in the center of Jerusalem itself. I know this first-hand as I have been on it and aggressively moved away from the Golden Gate on its eastern wall in 1985. At the center of this controversy is the fact that since Israel's inception and statehood in 1948, America, who tipped the scales with the United Nations has never physically recognized Jerusalem as the capital putting its embassy in Tel Aviv. No American president has moved that embassy though several have talked about it and proposed it, none have succeeded or followed through. I believe that day has finally come. Donald Trump will move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to the capital of the nation of Israel in Jerusalem. This single act to a Luciferian hierarchy will incite not only intense opposition, but also profound rage as it will signal a change of guard and the beginning of something extremely profound. It will be no small deed. It will be no insignificant move. It will have long-lasting and prophetic implications.
Why will Donald Trump, self-made billionaire and real estate mogul make such an outlandish move as the President of the United States? Why is he determined to have such a relationship with Israel unlike any president before him? That question can only be answered through the looking at Donald Trump's life over the last 40 years.
In his book, The Art of the Deal, which Trump wrote in 1987 he reveals something not most would get by just reading it, but in hindsight it reveals something very significant. The majority of people whom Donald Trump has dealt with and pulled close to himself as his closest friends over the last 40 years have been some of the most prominent Jews in America. It only makes sense as a real estate developer that many of America's greatest real estate developers are Jewish. If you read the book carefully you will find this to be the case. 
Something most don’t pay much attention to are Trumps children and their spouses. His daughter Ivanka married into one of the most prominent Jewish families in America when she married Jared Kushner and herself converted to Judaism. This is no small thing. This is very significant spiritually as Donald Trump's grandchildren by Ivanka are Jewish. But it doesn't stop with Ivanka. Donald Trump Jr. is married to Vanessa Kay Haydon who is herself of Danish Jewish decent. They have five children together and to solidify my point, in 2014 Eric Trump married Lara Yunaska, who herself is Jewish, under a crystal-embellished chuppah with Jared Kushner officiating a very Jewish ceremony. Thus far all of Donald Trump's progeny are Jewish. His family’s future is sealed. Ponder this and I believe you will see that what I'm saying and where this is going is not just what you see on the surface. 
I am about to make a bold statement, a prediction of sorts shall we say; one many will argue against but regardless I will say it anyway. As I said previously one of the most significant things to take place prophetically before the return of Jesus is the building of a Temple in Jerusalem. The return of Jesus very closely resembles the original story of Hanukkah where He will return to a temple that has been built... but not just any Temple. According to Biblical prophecy during the last seven years known as the time of Jacob's Trouble, Israel will have three and a half years of relative peace and then three and a half years absolute chaos and tragedy. But when Jesus returns He will enter the Temple Mount through the now closed Golden Gate to take His rightful place as Lord of all the earth. As it stands not the Temple Mount is in the hands of those who hate Israel and seek her destruction. Until now there's no possible way a Temple could have ever been erected on that piece of ground. Those who oppose such a building know the significance of such… they know the prophecies, but I believe that time is about to end and a time like no other time is about to begin.
Who better to help Israel further its cause and build a temple of unbelievable beauty and proportion than the most significant master builder on the face of the Earth, Donald Trump! I believe he will not only move American Embassy to Jerusalem but he will in the not too distant future help Israel restore it's spiritual significance and heritage by helping them build a temple like no other Temple before it. And I believe like Donald Trump has done time and time again he will do it ahead of schedule and under budget. It will be his greatest masterpiece and it will be for the entire world to see that the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Israel has anointed Donald Trump for such a monumental task. Trump is a man who keeps his word and does what he says he will do. That is the history of Donald Trump and that will be his crowning glory; after all, he has a vested interest as his future lineage is is now intrinsically woven into the fabric of the nation of Israel.
But I don't believe it ends with what I have just said, though that is in and of itself extremely radical and dramatic... but I believe Donald Trump has something else that is extremely unique that no one else on the face of the earth has… especially in America.
When Israel became a nation a clarion call by the Angelic world began to take place. A calling out to the four points of the globe; to the north and to the south, to the east and to the west for them to give up all those who have been dispersed throughout the globe for thousands of years and to return to the land of their fathers. This is been happening. They've come from the north out of the Holocaust of World War II. They have come out of the East as far as China and Japan and Korea. From Iraq and Persia. They have come from the South in Africa... but for the most part they have not come from the West. Why? Because the majority of Jews throughout the West are comfortable and have done well. In America many are wealthy and in control of many things as a result of their successes and wealth. It is an extremely uncomfortable idea to imagine giving it all up to return to the land of their fathers when where they live now is relatively safe and comfortable.
But I believe we will see over these next year's the voice of a trumpet... a Trump WILL BE HEARD in the ears of those who are comfortable. And example will be shown for all to see. They will see his passion for Israel. His respect and admiration for its historical “will to live”. They will see his family ties. His connection to Israel will be so profound it will be like a bridge going between America and Israel itself. I believe the day is rapidly approaching where we will see a tremendous move by the comfortable in America because of America in many ways will become radically uncomfortable and the Jewish population of America will be stirred. The Jewish population of Canada and of Central America and South America will be stirred. And there will be a significant drawing of those who will feel that stirring deep in their spirits to go. And this MUST take place because God himself is the one who calls. And just like Darius gave the command to all those who were captive in Babylon to go home and build their Temple and worship God again in their own land, so I believe Donald Trump is the modern-day version of such a profound prophetic utterance in the Earth.
Something of unprecedented circumstance took place in the wee hours of November 8th 2016. Something no one believed was possible. After all, everyone said for 18 months it was impossible. No one would have imagined that the one no one ever imagined being president would at the 12th hour overtake the one who was all but declared the next president. And Trump not only overtook Clinton, he plowed under a dark force that was about to pummel America with a deathblow. God stepped into time and in one sweeping move showed whom His favor was upon. The Bible says, “God raises up one man and sets down another”. Proverbs says that, “the heart of the king is like channels the water in the hand of God; He moves it however He wishes.” God raised up a man, against all odds, who was bold enough and radical enough and willing to undertake a prophetic task that has perhaps never been seen on the face of the Earth and pliable enough to do His bidding and wise enough to recognize the moment he found himself in.
I say this with bold conviction; Donald Trump is not who you think he is or who he appears to be. And because of that, and God's obvious and dramatic favor, he will accomplish what he was born and called to do as the President of the United States. His impact will be far greater that just making America great again, I believe he will play a major role in preparing the way for the return of the Messiah to Israel and the rule of God to the earth and the restoration of all things to the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. God keeps His word, even to a thousand generations. What He promised, He will do and the Covenant He made with Abraham, whose capstone is Y'shua/Jesus, will be fulfilled to the very last detail.

© 2017 Steven Bliss