Wednesday, August 25, 2021



     We're living in a world that has drastically changed right before our eyes, in a moment. New things are unfolding every day faster than we can perceive or respond to, and we're learning things we have no idea of at a breakneck pace. But much of what we are discovering has more to do with deception than it does with truth. But, there is an ancient truth for us to see that cannot be denied that bears heavy weight. This truth, above all others has more meaning and value to us as individuals and the entire human race that has been created in the image of God than all truths put together. God says something to Moses 3500 years ago that has more relevance today due to its implications and our current condition that cannot be ignored.
     God told Moses, "The life of the flesh is in the blood. I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life." Leviticus 17:11 What is amazing about this obscure verse is that it was not until less than 100 years ago this truth became fully known and understood scientifically. Science only a short time ago discovered that in our blood is our life! Even into the early 1900's bloodletting was a common practice at the attempt to heal someone.
     Allow me to break down and most vital statement God follows it up with: 'I have given it to you ON THE ALTAR TO MAKE ATONEMENT for your souls; for IT IS THE BLOOD that makes atonement BY REASON OF THE LIFE." At that time God instituted animal sacrifice as the payment for sin. He would only accept blood because of the LIFE that is in it. Life for life. It was a picture of what was to come when He would offer up the greatest and most precious sacrifice for the entire human race... His only Son, Y'shua/Jesus.
     Ultimately what God offers as the perfect atonement is His own blood. How could that be you may ask? Y'shua said, "When you see me, you've seen the Father, for I and the father are [echad], one!" Understanding this then amplifies the meaning of all things pertaining to the blood of Y'shua. Especially in the words of the Revelation, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even in the face of death." Revelation 12:11 So then statements like there is power in the blood of the Lamb take on a whole new meaning when infused with this indelible truth. Here are a few truths from scripture to back up what I'm saying: We were bought with His blood Acts 20:28, Reconciled and made at peace with God by His blood Colossians 1:20, Redeemed by His blood Ephesians 1:7, Purified from all sin by His blood 1 John 1:7, Saved from God's wrath by His blood Romans 5:4; just to name a few.
     As you can clearly see, blood has the intrinsic quality of life in it to the point we don't exist without it, even more importantly, we have no relationship with God apart from it.
     So if you were the devil, Lucifer himself, and you were devising a specific plan to destroy man, by what means would you seek to destroy him? After all, man is created in the image of God, so how would you best commit the murder of the image of God? Some form of mass suicide? And being the devious Lucifer, the master prestidigitator that he is, what nefarious plan would you cook up to stealthily get man to annihilate himself without him even knowing he's doing it? War? Nope that hasn't worked in 7000 years. People always survive and repopulate. It has to be far more sinister. Something, unseen shall we say.
     In these last months since covid began to sweep the globe eighteen months ago there have been some very interesting as well as unsettling revelations to appear. Autopsies have been performed on the bodies of those who have died after getting the mRNA so-called vaccine. What is now clear is that the effects of whatever is in that shot are mind blowing to say the least, lethal at best.
     From pathology to ophthalmology the discovery is, and I'll make it as simple as I can, the spike proteins in the shot create two things in the body, inflammation of the vessels and clotting of the blood. The immediate results are scary, the long term reality has the potential for genocide on a global scale.
     If the life of the flesh is in the blood, then for Lucifer's to wipe out his greatest threat he must destroy the blood and thereby mare the image. And isn't interesting to you and wouldn't inquiring minds want to know why these so-called vaccines have a chemical in them called Luciferase which causes the cells to illuminate? Luciferase? They aren't even hiding it yet they don't want you to know that. Of course no one in their right mind would put something in their body that would kill them, right? But if you create an atmosphere of paralyzing fear through the insanity of the release of a deadly virus worldwide and then convince people everywhere that you have the fix, which now we know fixed nothing at all, then you could convince the masses to participate in an experiment that could become globally lethal in a short period of time. What better way to throw a net around the whole of humanity at one time.
     The book of revelations says that one third of the entire worlds population will die of plague just before Y'shua's return. There's way more to this. Don't just take my word for it, do the research yourselves.
There are no coincidences my friends. Certainly something to consider.
Y'shua/Jesus died for you. Now is the time to consider His offer of eternal life. It's free!

Steven Bliss
© 8/25/2021


  1. Paul, our children and I just battled with Covid for three weeks. The girls and I are getting better, Paul is still struggling. But God is in control, and He is taking care of us. We are pretty sure we got it from someone who was vaccinated, and was sick. A little over 20 of us became ill. Unfortunately one died last weekend, she was vaxxed, and always wore a mask. We have a couple on ventilators and their 5 teen boys are taking care of each other. Fortunately there are two churches helping out when we can. Those who are not sick thank God. I have several friends who are vaccinated all Ill with Covid. All I can do is pray. I totally agree with all you shared!!

  2. Jess... I'm so sorry to hear such news. It's everywhere. All I could tell you, you already know. I had it last December. My sister and one of my closest friends have lost many to it. Most who've gotten the shots have had problems... many severe. I know quite a few stories of death not long after taking the first, some after the second. We are at WAR! I pray God strengthens you to fight... but even more that He empowers you to let Him live through you so that the power of God flows like a river.
    It's time. We are here. There is no guessing anymore or trying to make a piece of puzzle fit. These are the days of Noah Y'shua talked about. The REIGN is coming!
