Wednesday, June 11, 2014


The Bible delivers a deep truth when it says, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. With that being said, how critical is it that the foundation of all one thinks not be based in human reason or understanding? Something not easy to comprehend or understand, yet vital to the health our soul and whole being is understanding that truth is not subjective; its foundation firm.
In this crazy world of the self-indulgent, the psychobabble concept propagated of “your truth” being all that matters, regardless of what is real, is a lie of those who seek to enslave you to their way of thinking for their purposes. But “your truth”, as though there are 7 billion truths, does not exist; for all truth emanates from Kingdom of Light and God Himself. There is no shifting or bending within it for there is no other truth other than that which is filtered through God, and God alone. 
Jesus said this, “If then the light that is within you is darkness, then how great is your darkness?” Think about that for a moment. If “your truth” is not His truth, how dark is your perception of truth and your ability to discern what is real?
That being so, when you find yourself in a dilemma of thought, I encourage you to come to your conclusions wisely… for you will become what you choose as your decisions carry with them the fruit they will bear; for the seeds you sew will reap a harvest; those sewn to righteousness, righteousness, those sewn to evil, destruction.
Let me encourage you with a pillar of truth… GOD ALWAYS HAS YOUR ANSWER. Whether you choose to THINK that or not, all truth begins and ends with this statement from Proverbs… “The fear of the Lord (Yahweh) is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge of the Holy One (Him) is understanding.

© 2014 Steven Bliss
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