Friday, August 1, 2014


Yes, Israel and Hamas have been at it before and they're at it again. And of course, the media’s interpretation of it all is one-sided as always. And sure, they have been saying that Jesus is coming for two thousand years... so what else is new, right? Well, plenty. This time, though seemingly familiar, is not like before, and even if there were to be a cease-fire and a temporary calming down for a moment, this is not going away. This is escalating in many ways leading to a greater reality; not just the conflagration we see between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, but a global insurrection against Israel and the Jewish people has escalated to a fever pitch. Though there has been a steady rise of anti-Semitism over the last seven years or so, we are now in a full-blown worldwide anti-Semitic front. But then again, Islam has infiltrated the majority of the nations on the earth.
Twenty-five years ago the Lord plunged me into the world of Islam... I didn't get it at the time. What He showed me was scary but to me, back in 1989, was incomprehensible. When I would talk about it and share it back then, most questioned my hearing or thought there was no way a bunch of desert fighters who used swords and rode camels were ever going to amount to any such world threat. Nonetheless, I journaled what I heard. It would be far greater than what was happening in Israel in the mid 1980's and early 90’s. It wasn’t going to just be bus bombs in Israel; it would become a global movement that would eventually take the shape of a beast. And so it has.
I will make this brief and give you the facts. On April 18th, 2011 I was standing in my kitchen cleaning dishes as I watched the news. It was Erev Pesach/The evening that Passover begins. It was also my son Aaron's 20th birthday. As I stood there I heard a voice as clear as my own speak to me. Everything, including the TV I was watching, became silent around me. The voice said, "Today begins a shift to the swift." I had an immediate knowing that all we know that is time related would suddenly begin to pick up at an unusual pace. What before seemed like forever would now be minutes, an acceleration of all things racing to a conclusion. I was a bit stunned as I immediately wrote it down. That night I went to friends for Seder and told them what I had heard. Weeks went by and then on what I now know was Shavuot/Pentecost, I heard the voice again. It was the same scenario, me in the kitchen watching the news. This time the voice was louder saying, "THE FIERCE ONES ARE COMING!" I knew they were dark ones... fallen angels, perhaps Lucifer himself and a band of dark princes. Whatever it was, it wasn’t holy! (I can only convey what I experienced) If you actually go back and start tracking the news you will see something shifted and that much has accelerated since, especially the rise of some extreme Islamic based situations around the world. But none equal what is now spinning out of control. 
The news media barely tells the truth. The United States government never tells the truth. The veils of deception are pulled tight and the darkness that covers the minds of most is staggering. Far more than what meets the eyes is taking place and much of it in plain sight. But it is not what is seen that boggles the mind, but what is not. But here's the truth. Here are the cold hard facts that tell us more perhaps prophetically than we want to know. Anti-Israel/anti-Semitic sentiment is fire burning out of control everywhere. Anti-Semitism has risen 383% worldwide since 2013, according to a World Zionist Organization (WZO) - including a 436% hate crime hike in Europe. Greater than that which consumed Germany in the 1930's and 40's. In the current situation Israel is being accused of doing to Gaza what Hitler did to them then. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Islamic terrorist organization Hamas uses women and children as sympathy attracters. Their strategies are shrewd and calculated. They know what they are doing as they dig tunnels into Israel with a plan to invade, kill many and take hostages on Rosh haShanah 2014, and they not only test their strategy, they video it and release for all to see as I write this. Israel on the other hand is extremely humane in the way they go about their business. They give warning after warning of their impending actions taking up to three days before they make their move in order to avoid as many civilian casualties as possible. But have you heard that? Do you know they do such things? No, of course you don’t.
Yet the world doesn't hear those things... and as a result the world rages against Israels' supposed inhumane aggression calling it war crimes. We don’t hear about the things Hamas has done that have both instigated and sustained Israel’s warranted response. We are at the point now where reading Zechariah 12 has become today's headlines. It's happening right before our eyes. 
There is so much more to say... but I will leave you with something I wrote in 2010. I had been specifically asking God for something and needed to know that what I was doing was right. For weeks I prayed. Then I heard that same voice say to read Genesis 5 and 11. As I did I then heard "add up the years". The rest I will leave for you to discover.
I say all this because we live in perilous times just as we were warned would take place. The warnings and signs of many things being "at the door" are all around us. Discernment is sorely lacking. Darkness has covered the earth, though the natural eye is incapable of perceiving it. We are overwhelmed with so many things that distract us. The insidiousness of what surrounds us is beyond comprehension as it smothers our ability to discern. We close our eyes, don't want to talk about it, we deny its existence and pretend we've got years as we buy into the lies of self-preservation.
Time is truly short; shorter than anyone wants to believe. Even the elect are being deceived. Now is the appropriate time to stop and take account of what is happening. It is time to cry out to God to help us all.

© 2014 Steven Bliss

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