Friday, August 22, 2014


Lately I’ve been hearing things people say that are rancid with self-righteousness and arrogance. Self-deception, self-centeredness and denial are rampant everywhere. Finger pointing based in false accusations amongst those who are unwilling to see themselves for who they truly are… no better than the ones they point fingers at, is like a virus infecting the masses. When you take yourself out of the equation and baptize yourself in some sort of false humility as though you yourself are above the fray and holier than others, you create FOR YOURSELF a judgment you won’t soon forget once it arrives at your door to greet you.
Scarier still... those who talk about themselves in the third person as though they are disconnected from their own filth; amazed that they, that is the real them, are incapable of any such disgraceful acts. Psychologically they are gasping for air in the quicksand of self-deceit. They have become as Jesus said “white-washed tombs”. They impress the few on the outside, yet are barren within. They fry all their senses to the point that reality becomes only what they imagine it to be as their minds become dull and deluded by their own blissful machinations making it impossible for them to see the truth. As Jesus said, “If the light within you is darkness, how great then is your darkness?”
Humility on the other hand is invaluable yet comes with a price. Its fruit is brokenness resulting in true righteousness; a righteousness imputed by God Himself. Find that and you’ve found life itself. Only then can living water truly flow out of your belly bringing hope and life to others.
Humility produces kindness… so BE KIND! God says to the arrogant and self-righteous, “Go and learn this, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice’ for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” We are all in the same boate been hearing things people say that are rancid with self-righteousness and arrogance. Self-deception, self-centeredness and denial are rampant everywhere. Finger pointing based in false accusations amongst those who are unwilling to see themselves for who they truly are… no better than the ones they point fingers at, is like a virus infecting the masses. When you take yourself out of the equation and baptize yourself in some sort of false humility as though you yourself are above the fray and holier than others, you create FOR YOURSELF a judgment you won’t soon forget once it arrives at your door to greet you. 
Scarier still... those who talk about themselves in the third person as though they are disconnected from their own filth; amazed that they, that is the real them, are incapable of any such disgraceful acts. Psychologically they are gasping for air in the quicksand of self-deceit. They have become as Jesus said “white-washed tombs”. They impress the few on the outside, yet are barren within. They fry all their senses to the point that reality becomes only what they imagine it to be as their minds become dull and deluded by their own blissful machinations making it impossible for them to see the truth. As Jesus said, “If the light within you is darkness, how great then is your darkness?”
Humility on the other hand is invaluable yet comes with a price. Its fruit is brokenness resulting in true righteousness; a righteousness imputed by God Himself. Find that and you’ve found life itself. Only then can living water truly flow out of your belly bringing hope and life to others. 
Humility produces kindness… so BE KIND! God says to the arrogant and self-righteous, “Go and learn this, ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice’ for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” We are all in the same boat… sinners… it is therefore imperative to humble yourself… then, BE KIND!

© 2014 Steven Bliss

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